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The Japanese government is promoting tax reforms that are beneficial to the development of startups

Columns:Blockchain author:BTCZXW time:2024-08-28 21:35:20
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The Japanese government hopes to boost the growth of the local Web3 industry by implementing tax reforms that are conducive to the development of startups.


Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Saito Takashi said the reform aims to create a favorable environment that can attract global companies and developers and promote the application of Web3 and blockchain technology in Japan.

At the Web3 Conference, Saito emphasized the importance of Web3 technology and the huge potential of Japan's Web3 and blockchain industries. By supporting startups, the Japanese government hopes to stimulate more innovative applications and business models, thereby promoting the development of the entire industry.

Overall, this tax reform aimed at supporting startups reflects the Japanese government's active embrace of Web3 technology and its commitment to creating a policy environment conducive to the development of its ecosystem.

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