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In September 2022, Rumpel Labs will launch a new decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol

Columns:Altcoins author:BTCZXW time:2024-08-27 16:45:50
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In September, Rumpel Labs will launch a new decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol to enable users to tokenize and trade airdropped points.


The protocol aims to improve liquidity and price discovery for offline loyalty points, bringing new opportunities to points holders, traders, airdrop hunters, and points issuers. Rumpel joins other newly launched protocols (such as Nudge) that aim to solve problems with existing methods of attracting and incentivizing Web3 users.

Rumpel aims to create a market for tokenized airdropped points. These points often perform poorly due to under-allocation and unexpected airdrop criteria. Rumpel said that many users feel that they are "late to the party", "unwilling to expose funds" to too much smart contract risk, or "don't want to go through all the hassles of getting more airdrop allocations."

The company believes that there are many constraints in the current airdrop model, so a more constructive model is needed to bring liquidity to new protocols and create value for all stakeholders.

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